Hey guys, JesusCopy! In this sermon, Douglas Gonçalves will talk about the wisdom of forgiving! First, he will talk about 4 signs of a hurt person: 1. Always looking at the scoreboard 2. Boasting about his own deeds 3. Being a grumbler 4. Being someone who divides A lack of forgiveness takes us away from the party that God is throwing, which is the party of grace! So how do we forgive? 1. Create an environment for forgiveness and open your heart 2. Facilitate forgiveness, because it was the Father who came after us 3. Give back the position of the person you are forgiving 4. Don't forget the gospel. We need to remember how forgiven we were! How do we learn from the Father about forgiveness? If we left as children, we return as children. Share this sermon with more people! JESUSCOPY STORE: https://loja.jesuscopy.com/ Follow Valéria (@val_jesuscopy) and Douglas (@douglas_jesuscopy) on Instagram. To learn more about JesusCopy: 1. Subscribe to our YouTube channel: / @jesus_copy 2. Join our email list: http://conteudo.jesuscopy.com/dicas-j... 3. Join our TELEGRAM channel: https://t.me/jesuscopyoficial 4. Follow our Instagram: / jesus_copy 5. Like our Facebook page: / jesuscopy 6. Follow us on Twitter: / jesus_copy 7. Visit our website: http://jesuscopy.com/ What is JesusCopy? We are a digital movement that exists to mobilize people to an intelligent understanding of the Gospel that generates authentic copies of Jesus. Our mission is to accelerate and facilitate the development of Jesus Copies that disciple nations participating in the global advancement of the Kingdom of God.