FCAW welding process. Fluxed Cored Arc Welding. And in this case specifically FCAW-S “Self-shielded flux cored arc welding” Self-shielded (NO GAS). Flux Cored Arc Welding. Equipment used in the video: GPS 2300 BI-PULSE GALA 2000 MP AND ARKO FLUX WELDING. All equipment from: Gala Gar. English: Here you have the series of videos about this fantastic welding process ???????????????? • FLUX-CORE WELDING, tubular wire (Yes... Here are the technical names (approval and qualification) and their meaning of the welding processes that I use most in my day to day life. MIG (Metal, Inert, Gas) MAG (Metal, Active, Gas). GMAW GMAW (Gas, Metal, Arc, Welding). ELECTRODE - MMA (Manual, Metal, Arc). SMAW (Shielded, Metal, Arc, Welding). TIG (Tungsten, inert, Gas) GTAW (Gas, Tungsten, Arc, Welding). FLUX - FCAW-S (Flux, Cored, Arc, Welding). “self-shielded” (Self-protected). Always remember maximum protection and avoid inhaling welding fumes. I hope you like it and above all it is very helpful! A hug ????????????????