In this video I reflect on the topic of searching for myself and my purpose. I tell what helped me understand what I want to do, how not to be afraid to meet changes, and also share useful materials. my telegram: https://t.me/mariekeery test 16 personality types: https://www.16personalities.com/ru support the channel: https://boosty.to/mariekeery/donate 00:00 - intro 00:22 - greeting 00:33 - introduction 00:57 - disclaimer 01:14 - what are we looking for? 01:46 - when everything went wrong 02:22 - the choice of our whole life 02:58 - how we get stuck in a wheel 04:03 - the role of career 04:52 - about burnout, dead ends and what to do about it 06:30 - test drive of a dream 08:47 - what to do if you have no interests 09:29 - what can be done right now 10:42 - how I realized what I want to do 12:05 - how I failed and why it made my life better 14:16 - one of the most important realizations in life 15:50 - finding yourself - is this happiness? 16:48 - gratitude Music in video: Royalty Free Music from Tunetank.com Track: Beautiful Moment by RedLionProduction https://tunetank.com/track/450-beauti... #howtofindyourself #howtochangeyourlife #wheretostartselfdevelopment #personalgrowth #howtoknowyourtalent #howtochooseaprofession #howtounderstandwhatyouwant #howtobecomeyourself #findthebusinessoflife #howtofindyourcalling