How to find a free plot of land. Step-by-step instructions Today we will look at how to find a free plot of land and get it from the state. Do you have a plot of land? ✔REQUEST A PROPERTY PASSPORT ► https://vladeilegko.ru/services/passp... ✔THE BEST LAWYERS ON THE SITE ► https://www.vladeilegko.ru ✔JOIN US ON SOCIAL NETWORKS: ● FOLLOW INSTAGRAM► / vladeilegko ● JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP► / vladeilegko.ru ● JOIN THE VK GROUP► https://vk.com/vladeilegko ● JOIN THE OK GROUP►https://ok.ru/group/54096217702550 ● JOIN THE COMMUNITY Twitter► / vladeilegko Hello everyone! We are a team of real estate specialists. We tell you how to act correctly in a given situation and where to go. After all, in fact, thousands of us have such basic questions, but we cannot find a professional, understandable answer to them. How to sell or buy apartments? How to re-register to relatives? How not to pay utility bills? How to inherit? and much more! We are always happy to help you with our advice! Be sure to subscribe to the channel, click the bell ???? to receive notifications about new videos! #owneasy #specialistnotes #freeplot