In this video lecture I tried to tell as much as possible not only about my experience of working in Barentsburg and Longyearbyen, but also to show where you can find vacancies. I hope that it will help to clarify many questions that come to me in large quantities. Highlights: 04:27 Work experience in Barentsburg 09:53 Work experience in Longyearbyen 23:28 Work on a ship 33:35 Job search 40:33 Questions Websites: https://arcticugol.ru/ - work in Barentsburg finn.no - work in Longyearbyen (search for Longyearbyen in the search, then ledige stillinger. Facebook group (in Russia you can open it via VPN): Ledige jobber på Svalbard Average salaries: https://finanssans.no/gjennomsnittsl%... Instagram: @nazilia_zee Shot on iPhone 12 Video editor: DaVinchi Resolve