Getting fitter, learning new languages, or eating healthier. None of that would be a problem if we finally stuck to our New Year's resolutions. We'll explain how you can easily do that in this video ???? Exciting topic? You can find out more in these two books (The sources for this video ????) ???? "The Psychology of Persuasion" by Prof. Robert Cialdini ➣ Audiobook on Audible: https://alnk.li/KX ➣ Book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2HoVW7V ???? "The Art of Clear Thinking" by Rolf Dobelli ➣ Audiobook on Audible: https://alnk.li/7d ➣ Book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2IhbHfV Do you know this? We set ourselves a goal — whether it's a more toned body, better grades, or a happier relationship. We research how we can achieve all of this, we want to implement the ideas enthusiastically, but then... nothing happens. Somehow we have so many other things to do, we lose motivation and our goals remain just wishful thinking. This is how it is for many of us, but it doesn't have to be that way! There is a really simple tip with which we can manipulate ourselves to actually follow through on our resolutions: a combination of the consistency principle and the Concorde effect. The consistency principle states: as soon as we have made a first small concession, a so-called commitment, we use it as a guide for other related decisions and try to remain consistent with this first commitment. The Concorde effect states: if we have already invested a lot of time, money, effort or love in something, then we refuse to give up on the project and no longer deviate from our position. You can combine these two effects very easily if you make a commitment that is linked to a strong, almost painful effort on your part, for example spending a lot of money. If the cost of the commitment is above your own individual pain threshold, you can hardly do anything other than follow through on your resolution and finally reach your goal ???? Want more videos? Then you've come to the right place ???????????? This habit will change your life - and for the better! Promised ???? ➙ • 1% better every day Another good tip for following through on your resolutions. This time without any initial investment ???? ➙ • This is how you finally follow through on things! ????????