For its third year of existence, the French fiction collection of HarperCollins editions, Traversée, offers two first novels that are both different and deeply rooted in social issues: 'Rien ne dure vraiment longtemps' by Matthieu Seel, the journey of an adopted child who will experience the dangers of the street, and 'La poupée qui fait oui' by Agnès de Clairville, or the beginnings of student life and sexuality of a 16-year-old teenager. In this video we interviewed Marie Eugène, director of the Traversée collection, who talks to us about her work as an editor, and specifically about publishing first novels. You can also find interviews with Matthieu Seel, Agnès de Clairville, as well as readers who explain to us how first novels are often unique, both in the literary landscape and in the career of a writer. Find the HarperCollins Traversée back-to-school novels on Babelio: Nothing really lasts a long time: https://www.babelio.com/livres/Seel-R... The doll who says yes: https://www.babelio.com/livres/Clairv... Subscribe to the Babelio channel: http://bit.ly/2S2aZcm All the videos on http://bit.ly/2CVP0zs Find our past and future meetings, and sign up right here: https://www.babelio.com/article/1939/... Follow us to find the best books to read: ►Babelio, the site: https://www.babelio.com/ ►Babelio on Twitter: / babelio ►Babelio on Facebook: / babelio ►Babelio on Instagram: / babelio_