Having a monthly income from small land is what many people desire. In this video we show two ways to make money with livestock farming, we also show the costs of investing in strategies to earn R$2,000 per month with cattle. We use two systems, breeding and rearing, check it out. Follow us on Instagram: / ranchomontebelo Low-cost beef cattle farming for small producers. Quick videos with content and objective. FREE SPREADSHEET - HOW TO CALCULATE PASTURE RENT • HOW TO CALCULATE PASTURE RENT? Compe... PLAYLISTS - BRS CAPIAÇU DIFFERENT PLANTING: https://bit.ly/2SIgt0W FINANCIAL EDUCATION FOR LIVESTOCK: https://bit.ly/3f9HVMw MORE WITH LESS IN LIVESTOCK: https://bit.ly/3uAh4zL HUSQUARNA MOWING CUTTER: https://bit.ly/3eDG5Va #beefcattle #beefcattle #brscapiaçu #bargaincurral