???? LEARN EXCEL WITH ME AND BECOME A REFERENCE IN THE JOB MARKET: http://excelentejoao.com.br/sejaexcel... #Excelentejoao #Excel #Dashboard In this Excel video lesson, we will learn how to use the sumifs function in Excel. This formula is widely used in job interviews and Excel tests. In this free Excel tutorial, we will see 3 important functions in Excel: Sum, SumIf and the SumIfs function. These functions are almost always used in Excel tests, Excel tests for job interviews and can also help you save time in your day-to-day life and automate repetitive processes and tasks in Excel. The SUM function in Excel, as the name suggests, adds values. You can add individual values, that is, type value by value or even cell by cell; add entire ranges, that is, select multiple cells at once. The SUMIF formula in Excel can add the values in a range that meet the criteria you specify. The sumif() function adds only the values that meet a criterion. For example, suppose that in a column containing numbers, you want to add only the values greater than 5. You can use the SumIf function to do this. Another example of the sumif function is, if you have a sales spreadsheet in Excel and want to know the total revenue, you can use the Sum function to select the entire column. However, let's say now that you want to know only the revenue for a specific salesperson, you can use the SumIf function to solve this problem. The SUMIFS function is a mathematical function in Excel. It works similarly to SumIf, however, here you can use several different specifications. In the example in the video, I used the sumif function in Excel to add the sales revenue but only for a specific salesperson, for a specific region and for a specific sales category. The difference between the SumIf function and the SumIf function in Excel is that with the first one you can use only one criterion, while with the second one, you can use several criteria in Excel.