Hey guys, how are you? Another video is coming to our channel, and today we're going to tell you about something new here at Base, our Intercession Training. We've been developing prayer scales here at Base for a while now, and over time we've seen that many people don't really understand intercession or how to flow in prayer, so we created this training to empower people who want to serve in prayer. ???? Want to participate in our INTERCESSION TRAINING? Click on this link to purchase your full course: https://hotmart.com/pt-br/marketplace... _________________________ Follow our online Services, every Friday at 7:30 pm here on YouTube! _________________________ Want to train and qualify with us? Let's send a message to learn more about our training: https://forms.gle/WwcmBMbQAvSw9YRr7 _________________________ Participate in our Intensive Schools: Summer and Winter! Fill out the form and we will contact you to provide all the information: https://wa.link/sq4c29 _________________________ Be part of the mission, becoming a Financial or Food Supporter Get in touch here: https://wa.link/kyzucl Access our form to learn more: https://forms.gle/P4NbzvNs11mR5ksM6 Do you want to offer financially? ???? Our PIX: 35.600.759/0001-90 MONTE BASE MISSIONÁRIA CNPJ 35.600.759/0001-90 197 - Stone Pagamentos AGENCY 0001 CURRENT ACCOUNT 231223-9 ____________ OUR MANIFESTOS: Regret - https://bit.ly/2RrZ3oZ Easter - https://bit.ly/3oqhnuP April Fools' Day - bit.ly/3ctW8Dp _____________ OUR EBOOKS: We currently have 3 ebooks, designed to help you on specific topics, with super easy and clear language. Girl Woman - https://hotm.art/JUqfgVR How to deal with Anxiety - https://hotm.art/COFPRGoL How to deal with Depression - https://hotm.art/QDJhZyX _____________ OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS: Facebook - / canaldomonte Instagram - / canaldomonte Website - http://montebasemissionaria.com.br Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/user/s0cnvpc... _____________ Join our group for announcements and donations on WhatsApp: ???? https://chat.whatsapp.com/8mfHQaGgLPl... We want to know more about you! Fill out the form???? ????Form: https://goo.gl/forms/BkadUuIJevqy1n422 Download the Bible app here - https://www.bible.com/app _____________ PARTNER CHANNELS: / crisribeirotv / adryanphillipe