The fact that north is at the top of the map is a mere convention without any scientific basis. North itself was only adopted as a common reference during the period of great navigations. “Through colonial processes, European ways of representing the world ended up becoming hegemonic.” In fact, the verb “orientar – orientation” comes from the time when the oriente, that is, the east, was the most important cardinal point in European cartography. Nowadays, it is a mere convention. All models have two orientations: Project North and True North. In this video, I explain the difference between them and give tips on how to use them correctly. I hope the video is useful and helps you produce material with the north as recommended. Special thanks to my colleague Achylles Neto – who suggested the theme of this video. Images used by student Rafaela Soprano. If you want to know more, leave your question in the comments so I can help you further. ------------------------------------------------------ ???? Netflix of Architecture ???? LEARN EVERYTHING in 1 place: https://www.mobflix.com.br/izabele-co... ------------------------------------------------------ Information about projects and professional contacts: www.pluralconsultoria.com _________________________________________________ Instagram @izabele_colusso _________________________________________________ Website www.pluralconsultoria.com