Hi everyone! The speed limiter I'm referring to in the video is a reduction in the maximum speed of a bicycle, which is 25 km/h, to 15 km/h, and is present in some brands and models of control modules. This speed reduction is used when the bicycle is used by children or when it is used in gated communities. Let's clarify that at no time am I referring to increasing the maximum speed of the bicycle (25 km/h), which is a legal requirement through CONTRAN Resolutions, and which are determined by the manufacturer of the control module in accordance with the legislation of the country where it will be used. Tampering with the module to remove the maximum speed limitation can only be done by changing the electronic components of the module's circuit, or in more modern modules, it must be done through software programming. In both cases, this change must be made by people specialized in electronics or device programming. Do not confuse the speed reducer with the controlled speed limitation that comes factory-programmed from the design of the control module. Some electric bikes come with controller modules with this function (speed reducer) activated from the factory and the bike's speed is reduced from 25 to 10 or 15 km/h. By turning off this reducer, the bike returns to its normal maximum speed of 25 km/h. Some bikes may not have this function active, this can happen for two reasons: 1) the module manufacturer did not design the module with this function, 2) the authorized dealer has already left this function turned off and removed the wires or left them inside the module to prevent the user from making any confusion by connecting these wires by mistake. In this case, the speed will be 25 km/h. If you bought your bike new and it left the store with a maximum speed of less than 25 km/h, especially in pedal assist, it may be that the limiter is active. IMPORTANT!!! In most controller modules sold on Ali Express, the white wires are the self-learning wires, which are used to correct the direction of the wheel's rotation and correct the motor's phase angle from 60 to 120 degrees and vice versa. Watch the video! WhatsApp inquiries (13) 9 8101-7031 Subscribers (Non-Channel Members): 02 Free inquiries Subscribers (Channel Members): Check the number of free inquiries for your Member category. If you want to know the price of the Sousa Eco 350 Bicycle, the bike was purchased on the website of the company Biciclete, located in the city of Guarulhos - SP, which is an authorized reseller of Sousa Motos in the state of São Paulo. I ask that you contact the reseller to find out the updated price, the contacts are below. The store's contacts are below. Here are the store's contacts: Website: https://www.biciclete.com.br Tel.: (11) 2087-6470 WhatsApp: (11) 98765-2959 E-mail: [email protected] How to find the dealership closest to you: https://www.sousamotos.com.br/localizar