Whether you are active as a business manager, Exec, professional in MarComm, HR, Sales or Operational, freelancer: LinkedIn is still the place to be to boost your visibility and business. But with more than 700 million users worldwide and more than 3.2 million in Belgium, it is not self-evident to stand out. 1. MAKE WORK OF YOUR FIRST IMPRESSION The first step to doing business successfully on LinkedIn? Developing your identity thoughtfully. You only have a few seconds to grab the attention of your audience. Not much. But crucial, because the first impression is the key to connecting, creating trust and radiating expertise. In short: Show your professionalism that you have offline online. Give visitors reasons to stay longer on your LinkedIn page, to click through and encourage them to connect or to accept your connection request more quickly. TIP #1: Professionalize your cover photo A cover photo immediately catches the eye. Therefore, choose an eye-catcher that represents the unique style of your brand or company. Think of your logo, photos of your employees or yourself. If necessary, subtly add keywords that make it clear what you stand for and what you can do for others. Of course, you continue your corporate identity (colours) here. TIP #2: Go for a clear headline Letting LinkedIn fill in your headline automatically is not a good idea. Distinguish yourself with a good headline, because after your name, this is the first thing visitors look at. Use relevant keywords. This way, your audience will find you more easily in searches and you will stand out better in the news overview. Also try to include a promise in your headline. Like in the example below. What impact do you create for them if they do business with you or your company? 2. MAKE YOUR PERSONAL & CORPORATE BRAND SOCIAL PROOF TIP #1: Show your value in the info section (About) Who are you? What do you believe in? Why do you do what you do? What makes you and your approach different? What is your WHY? Include it all in the info section. Keep the following tips in mind when writing your story: The first three lines of this section are crucial to hook your target audience and make them read on. Write in the first person. Pitch your story without exaggerating (and link it to facts/results). Include contact details if necessary. TIP #2: Use the Featured section for extra visibility and leads You now have the opportunity to put yourself and your company even more in the spotlight on LinkedIn: via the “Featured” section. This is a kind of virtual showcase where you can add and organize visual content (... and then generate leads): Links to your website/landing page/video channel -Upcoming events -Your important LinkedIn posts -(LinkedIn) Blog posts -Cases -E-books / whitepapers -Presentations -Videos / vlogs Such content gives your profile visitors more reasons to stick around, get to know your brand, make the connection and click through. Because people are audiovisually oriented. In short: don't just say it, display it. Getting started? First ask yourself these questions: Which media do you currently have in your arsenal to show off and generate leads/traffic? Which media are currently relevant to place in your visual showcase? Extra PRO-TIPS: Make sure that the Featured section is not too commercial and keep it up-to-date. Add a bit.ly link to track the traffic from your LinkedIn profile to your landing page. -- About LinkedIn Learning Snacks: Using short videos, we provide you with impactful, but above all quickly applicable LinkedIn insights to give your profile the necessary boost. Snack away! About Erendiz Ates: Erendiz is a LinkedIn & social selling trainer with a focus on how to build sustainable and profitable relationships via online channels. His approach? No-nonsense, hands-on and Limburg accent included. Together with premium partners, he also provides '360° online branding', ranging from video and design to management and communication. -- More insights, whitepapers and tools? www.az-solutions.be Would you like to work together to boost your LinkedIn? http://www.az-solutions.be/masterclas... Would you like to receive the free LinkedIn Mini-Guide to stand out even more? https://www.az-solutions.be/inspiratie/