It took me a little by surprise. To say about a person who drives around with 10w60 that he knows nothing about engines and cars is quite bold. I know a lot of people who drive 10w60 either in STI or other cars and if I can say something with certainty, it's that they know a lot about engines. Well, this thought moved us today to look at oils under the microscope. How to choose oils and how to compare them so that it makes sense? what about you What kind of oil do you use? Write in a comment! Oh, and if you're looking for cool T-shirts, go to ppboys.cz where you can also get it's Driftmass and if you want to support us, you can do it at ppboys.cz/clenstvi And if you want to add additives to your oil, go to metabond.cz and get Metabond Spirit for 0w and for 5w Metabond Pro oils. #auto #automobile #autokecy #oil #cz #vlog #plzen