A quarter kilo of small-cut meat or minced meat or chopped chicken A cinnamon stick Two bay leaves Five whole cardamom Salt A large head of cauliflower A large onion, chopped Three cloves of garlic Half a cup of tahini Rashi A teaspoon and a half of salt A carton of yogurt A teaspoon of ground cumin A teaspoon of black pepper A teaspoon of mixed spices Juice of two lemons A tablespoon of white vinegar For the face: Chopped parsley, roasted pine nuts, red pepper or paprika A cup and a half of washed, soaked rice Half a cup of vermicelli A little oil or ghee and salt #lunch #dinner #cauliflower #cauliflower #tahini #oven trays #economical_cooking #fast_food #vegetables #healthy_food #my_recipes #my_dishes #Mona_Qabori #occasions #parties #munaqubori #invitations #explore #delicious_food #fast_food #popular_food #@munaqubori