Greetings to all, awakening, a lot of questions are coming at once, and how did you connect to the higher self, and how can I do it, how, how, well, give me in order. Yes, today I will tell you about myself, how I did it, and I will give some advice on how to start moving towards connecting to your higher self. Looking ahead, yes, I want to say, by the way, I did not plan, but now I just, you know, as you say, but a little off topic. Yes, you and I, many of us have such a program of a worthless self, not up to such as, for example, those people who are already there with the higher self, there or guides and so on, you are the same, you are just as strong, guys, there is no need to diminish yourself, to make yourself somehow insignificant. My channel in Telegram https://t.me/pokolenie_prosnuvshihsya Thank (donations): 2200 7017 5351 2364