This connection system is used in circuits with currents above 10A, in the main environments; Outdoor areas, sports courts, parking lots, helipads, facades, signs and others. PHOTOCELL RELAY The photoelectric relay, also known as a photocell, is a control device that has the function of turning a single lamp, or lighting circuit, on and off, according to the level of illumination in the environment. This allows a lamp to be automatically turned on when the environment in question has a low level of desired light (at dusk, for example) and automatically turned off when the environment has a sufficient level of light (such as at dawn). The main application of the photoelectric relay is the automatic activation of public lighting circuits, outdoor areas in condominiums and residences, billboards, signs and facades, luminous signs, etc. CONTACTOR A contactor or contactor is an electromechanical device that allows, from a control circuit, to control loads in a power circuit. These loads can be of any type, with a different voltage than the control circuit, and even contain multiple phases. Power contacts are generally presented in groups of 3, due to their common use in controlling three-phase electric motors.