On the Vlog: http://matrimoniconlaccento.it/tavoli... VIDEOS MENTIONED: Seats according to table size - http://matrimoniconlaccento.it/limpor... Why the bride should sit on the right at the table - http://matrimoniconlaccento.it/il-cor... Be ready to face tension and anger right at the end of the organization, when it's time to set up the tables. You will lack confirmation, friends and relatives will want to interfere with the arrangement by asking not to sit near so-and-so and to sit with so-and-so, parents will have something to say about your ideas, ... Do you think I'm exaggerating? You'll tell me when you go there... I hate being right in these cases, but that's how it is! Once the tables have been set up with all the limitations imposed by the spaces and the catering, the time comes to decide how to arrange them in the room and the proximity or distance from the spouses, relatives, memberships in various groups, but also the positioning of the music must be considered! Enjoy the show!!! Follow me on social media: Instagram: / roberta.patane.weddings Facebook: / robertapataneweddings Pinterest: / robertapatane Twitter: / robertapatane Podcast: http://theweddingshow.it #weddingtables #robertapatanè #wedding