Dear, thank you for your attention to my channel, my team will be happy to answer any questions you may have. I study the comments very carefully and answer whenever possible. ⭐️Live broadcast announcements are always posted on my telegram channel. https://t.me/energodoctor/8389 ⭐️To sign up for a session, please write to WhatsApp +7 (909) 999-53-31 Quick link: https://wa.me/+79099995331 ⭐️For work on photos: diagnostics, energy healing, session on photos — please write to WhatsApp +7 909 999-95-33 Quick link: https://wa.me/+79099999533 ⭐️For other questions: training, courses, payment from abroad, returns, retreats, marathons — WhatsApp +7 967 077-88-88 Quick link: https://wa.me/+79670778888 ⭐️About training here: https://www.energodoktor.com/educations ⭐️Please read about doors and chakras in my blog, https://www.instagram.com/p/CX3KePGKe.... https://www.instagram.com/p/CX3KePGKe... ⭐️ List of recommended spiritual literature. It includes Newton and many others 📚 https://t.me/energodoctor/902 https://t.me/energodoctor/4289