We look at the result of installing an aeration system in a lake after 9 months. We conduct chemical tests of the water, decide what to do with duckweed, draw conclusions, answer subscribers' questions and test a large aeration unit Twin Aero TAG FLOAT. Part one of the video: • How to clean a reservoir. We install up to... Part two of the video: • How to clean a pond. Result in 3 weeks... On this pond we used: Part 1: 1) Installed a TwinAero XL pond aerator https://ledoed.com.ua/ua/p1045170611-... 2) Added the bacterial preparation MacroZyme MZ8 https://ledoed.com.ua/ua/p29501193-ba.... Part 2: 1) Measured the oxygen content in the water with an oximeter; 2) Conducted chemical tests and found a very high ammonia content in the water; 3) Added the bacterial preparation MacroZyme MZ8; 4) Added bacteria for sludge processing MacroZyme in tablets; 5) Continued to wait until the nitrogen cycle in the pond is complete (ammonia is converted to nitrite, and then to less toxic nitrate). Part 3: 1) Cleaned the aerator; 2) Conducted maintenance on the compressor; 3) Conducted water tests; 4) Showed the industrial aerator Twin Aero TAG Float https://ledoed.com.ua/ua/p52501274-pl.... To test the industrial sectional aerator, we are looking for a neglected reservoir with the following parameters: area of 0.4-0.5 hectares (for example, 100x40m, 70x70m); average depth within 1.5-2m; water has low transparency, unpleasant odor; there is a 220 V connection point at a distance of no more than 40 m from the shore; located no more than 30 km from Kyiv. If you have one in mind, we are waiting for a letter to our e-mail: [email protected] To consider the application, be sure to specify: the length and width of the pond; maximum and average depth; a photo of the pond to assess its condition; a link to Google maps, if we see the pond on them. Our website: https://ledoed.com.ua/ Ready-made aeration kits: https://ledoed.com.ua/g4680486-gotovy...