To support us, go to our Tipeee page, we offer you many rewards: https://fr.tipeee.com/ciel-espace The directory of clubs of the French Astronomy Association: https://www.afastronomie.fr/structures The shop of the French Astronomy Association: https://boutique.afastronomie.fr/ We tell you everything to choose your first observation instrument, whether you have €150 or €15,000. Should you take a pair of binoculars, a telescope, a telescope? Should it be motorized? What choice should you make for a child? Ciel et Espace Website: https://www.cieletespace.fr/ Twitter: / cieletespace With Fanny Ranson Instagram: (@fanny.ranson) / fanny.ranson With Jean-Luc Dauvergne Twitter: @JLucDauvergne Youtube: / jldauvergne77 Directed by Fabien Lemoine: Instagram: (@fabienlem1) / fabienlem1