LEARN ABOUT PAP (TRAINING IN GEOPROCESSING, REMOTE SENSING AND PREPARATION OF PROFESSIONAL MAPS): https://inscricao.ambientalpro.com.br... _______________________________________ Have you demarcated an area and now need to calculate the area? It may seem complicated, but if you watch the entire video, you will understand the technical details correctly to have precision in the area, whether in square meters, square kilometers or hectares. Step 01: Work with Transverse Mercator Projection (project and layer) Step 02: Put the layer in edit mode and create a new column Step 03: Calculate the area in m² (default unit) Step 04: Make the conversions to km² and ha Step 05: Save the changes Before we continue, remember to leave your LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to our Channel so you don't miss any valuable insights. Let's explore the world of maps together and enhance our environmental projects! ???? Link mentioned in the class (World UTM Grid Shapefile Download) https://hub.arcgis.com/datasets/esri:... HOW TO CALCULATE THE AREA OF A POLYGON IN DIFFERENT UNITS IN QGIS (GUIDE 2024) #MapBiomas #QGIS #EnvironmentalData