In this quick class I showed you how simple and easy it is to calculate the square meter of decking in a pile of wood. Achieve the much desired success in Carpentry! Come with me and I will teach you in a simple and straightforward way what you need to do to be successful and avoid mistakes along the way! Carpentry Course https://cursodemarcenaria.kebook.vip/ In this free class that I made available, you will learn in a practical and direct way how to make a type of union of wooden boards: • How to Join Two Wooden Boards / Us... To get you started in this world and even specialize, I am leaving here for you the link to two playlists that will provide you with a completely free immersion in this world of carpentry and joinery • Free Carpentry and Joinery Course... • How to Join Two Wooden Boards / ... On my social networks you will find exclusive content and news. On Instagram @maiconideapavimenti and @ideapavimenti, the Idea Pavimenti website is https://www.ideapavimenti.com.br/ For those of you who don't know me yet, I'm Maicon, a specialist in Carpentry and Joinery with over 25 years of experience in the area and I've helped hundreds of people learn Carpentry and Joinery from scratch in a simple way through the hundreds of videos already available here on YouTube and through my course I've made exclusive material available for those who want to go even deeper. Check it out there and I'm sure you'll love it https://cursodemarcenaria.kebook.vip/ I want to help you understand what's part of Carpentry and Joinery. I trust in the STEP-BY-STEP Formula. I developed this formula myself and teach it in my course and parts of it in some of my videos here on YouTube. On top of all this, I developed ways and I teach you how to repeat all my steps, through my tutorials on YouTube and especially in the Carpentry Course for those who want to go further faster. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel so that this project can help more people besides you! And if you still have friends who like the same thing as you, bring them to this project too by sharing the link. Until the next video and bye #carpentry #woodworking #wooddeck