🟢 LEARN EXCEL WITH ME IN THE COMPLETE EXCEL COURSE WITH CERTIFICATE: http://excelentejoao.com.br/sejaexcel... 🔵 EXCEL SPREADSHEET FREE DOWNLOAD: https://excelentejoao.com.br/wp-conte... In this video free Excel class, we will learn how to calculate working and calendar days in Excel with holidays and weekends and how to calculate the difference between dates in Excel. There are 4 important functions in Excel that we can help you with or important formulas in Excel, which are: diatrabalho, diatrabalho.intl, diatrabalhototal, diatrabalho.intl. In this Excel video lesson, we will learn how to calculate the due date with business days, holidays or calendar days, the due date is nothing more than an end date from a Start date, that is, Start date plus days equals the end date, let's go use formulas and functions in the Excel spreadsheet to solve this problem through a practical, step-by-step example. In the first example, we will see how to calculate calendar days in Excel calendar dates how to add dates in an Excel spreadsheet how to add due days to a date how to calculate due dates how to calculate dates in Excel. In the second example, let's see how to calculate the due date Considering working days, that is, excluding Saturday and Sunday, in fact, you can also exclude other days of the week. You can consider Saturday and Sunday to be working days. However, you can also choose other days to exclude and this way you can have a deadline calculation excluding weekends, that is, a calculation with only one working day. And for this we will use the DIATRABALHO.INTL function. the holiday when calculating the due date on the deadline on the end date here in Excel So in this example we will also consider holidays together with working days for example Saturday and Sunday so you can also calculate working days in Excel Considering the holidays or a holiday calculation in Excel, so let's learn how to delete holidays in Excel. #ExcelenteJoão #Excel #Dashboard