Calculating the BTUs of your air conditioner correctly is essential for achieving thermal comfort in your environment and making the right purchase of the equipment. In this video, @GabrielPardoMestre gives important tips for you to make the right choice of air conditioner for your project. 0:00 - Opening 1:10 - What are BTUs and why are they important when choosing an air conditioner? 2:00 - How do you determine the area in square meters that you want to cool with the air conditioner? 2:55 - What is the relationship between the size of the environment and the BTU capacity needed to cool it adequately? 3:55 - What factors influence the amount of BTUs needed, in addition to the size of the space? 5:30 - How do you take solar exposure into account when calculating the BTUs of your air conditioner? 6:20 - What are the implications of ceiling height and thermal insulation when choosing the BTU capacity? 7:20 - What is the difference between calculating BTUs for cooling and heating in a reverse cycle air conditioner? 9:15 - How do you adjust BTUs based on your geographic region and typical temperatures? 10:35 - Is it possible to use online tools or apps to make calculating BTUs easier? 11:25 - What are the consequences of choosing an air conditioner with an inadequate BTU capacity for the environment? 13:00 - Closing Buy TCL air conditioning now at https://www.adias.com.br/todas-catego... Looking for Air Conditioning on Sale? Buy here: https://www.adias.com.br/ar-condicion... Or contact our team at 11 3649-4000.