How to build a house inexpensively. A story about how you can build a house practically alone. Arbolite house Composition and order of mixing in a concrete mixer: 1. Wood chips - 2 buckets of 20 liters 2. Sawdust - 2 buckets of 20 liters 3. Sand - 1 bucket of 12 liters 4. Water with diluted aluminum sulfate (1 bucket per 200 liters) - 1 watering can of 12 liters (pour during mixing) Add lime milk and a solution of copper sulfate (from fungus and pests) to the watering can with water 5. During the mixing process, add 4 - 5 liters of cement in small portions, do not add water 6. Arbolite is rammed into the formwork, having previously pierced it with a pitchfork #inexpensive house #arbolite house #economical house #DIY house #house from non-standard #warm house inexpensive #community #community_of_Vissarion #city_of_the_sun #Vissarion2020 #CityOfTheSun #ArrestOfVissarion #DetentionOfVissarion #SergeyTorop #CommunityOfVissarion #VissarionNews #SergeyToropVissarion #CityOfTheSunVissarion