CLINICA DO BARULHINHO - Where we understand you and your car!!! On this channel, you can take a course on power steering and suspension noises. In this video, I show you the solution to a problem that always occurs. You bleed the system and it starts to get air again, and consequently the steering becomes hard, even though you have already checked the entire system and found no false air intake. Watch the video and find out why!!!! HELP CLINICA DO BARULHINHO TO CONTINUE HELPING YOU. THE CHANNEL'S COSTS ARE TOO HIGH TO KEEP IT ON AIR. YOU CAN MAKE A VOLUNTARY DONATION, THROUGH A BANK DEPOSIT!!! CEF- FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK AGENCY- 0286 SAVINGS ACCOUNT - 013 - 66340-7 LUIZ SERGIO MENEGUETTI PIX - [email protected]