Which nations have a natural predisposition to intelligence? Who are the recruiters and what is their job like? Are there people who cannot be recruited? Why does intelligence avoid recruiting on the basis of compromising materials? These and many other questions will be answered in a long and very interesting conversation by Vincent V. Severski, a former intelligence officer, writer and guest of the next episode of the program "didaskalia" by Patrycjusz Wyżga. Welcome 00:00:00 The best fragments 00:01:51 "Every spy is a bit of a writer" 00:09:21 Recruitment 00:21:36 System transformation through the eyes of an intelligence officer 00:31:25 Disappointment with Russia 00:39:47 The importance of intelligence for Poland's security 00:52:48 Ties between intelligence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 00:53:33 Spy literature and the prestige of intelligence 01:06:07 Intelligence reconnaissance before Russia's invasion of Ukraine 01:14:05 The activities of Russian intelligence in Poland 01:26:09 Successes of Polish intelligence 01:37:50 Death in the line of duty 01:43:10 The attacks of September 11, 2001