How to be self-taught in studies and learn by yourself in 5 tips + the self-taught mindset. Index below! The video about stupidity • THIS KEEPS YOU AWAY FROM APPROVING THE VESTIB... [FREE DOWNLOAD - Study Plan 2023] • Study Plan (update 2023) - The Me... [Super Basic Math Course] http://bit.ly/matsuperbasica [Gabaritei Course] http://aprendaqualquercoisa.com.br/cu... 0:40 - Definition of Self-taught 2:00 - Mindsets of the Self-taught vs. Average Student 6:00 - 5 Steps to Becoming Self-taught 6:17 - Step 1 7:28 - Step 2 8:25 - Step 3 9:45 - Step 4 10:40 - Step 5