The expert released the money on controversial subjects about all types of cars, don't miss this mega episode! Link to the full episode: • CÉSAR URNHANI (AUTO ESPORTE DRIVER) -... In this episode of the Plugado Podcast, we welcome César Urnhani, a test driver for Auto Esporte for over 20 years. César started out cleaning bathrooms in a mechanic's shop, and progressed until he won titles in motorsports and became an authority on automobiles. With all his experience, he analyzes the current scenario of the automotive industry, speaking sincerely about the promises and challenges of electric cars. Hosted by Carlos Mafia, this episode is full of tips and unmissable stories for those who are passionate about cars. Press play and stay Plugado! You are already a Black Insider! #InsiderStore Get up to 40% off using the coupon code PLUGADOBF Link: https://www.insiderstore.com.br/?utm_... Carlos Mafia: / carlosmafia César Urnhani: / cesarurnhani Plugado Podcast: / plugadopodcast Plugado Studios: / plugadoestudios