???? Click here to watch a free 10-minute class and learn how to make money with AI: https://udia.es/clase-gratuita Can you imagine automatically creating content for your social networks without it looking like it's generated by artificial intelligence? In this video I show you step by step how to use tools like GPT, Airtable, and Make to automate the creation of posts for LinkedIn and other platforms. During the tutorial, you'll learn how to set up your own automation system using scripts in Google Chrome and advanced artificial intelligence tools. You'll save hours of work and take your productivity to the next level! ⚙️???? In this video you'll learn: 1. How to create automatic posts with AI that don't look like they're made by robots. 2. Using GPT and Airtable as databases to generate content. 3. Setting up Make to automate the entire process. 4. How to design images and content for LinkedIn that you can reuse on other platforms. 5. Easily create posts for up to 60 days. ???? Click here to watch a free 10-minute class and learn how to make money with AI: https://udia.es/clase-gratuita