How to Make an Electrical Installation Safely, Even if You Are Not a Professional Electrician: https://eletr.co/cortes-engehall/?utm... How to ASSEMBLE a 220V TWO-PHASE DISTRIBUTION PANEL? Well, we know that all the energy of an installation passes through the distribution panel, right? That's why I always like to say that I consider the QDC to be the HEART OF THE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION, and like our own heart, the QDC needs care. What tools will we need? PLIERS: Universal, CUTTING, Stripping and CRIMPING, Screwdrivers and Philips. 1st STAGE - CIRCUIT PLANNING Any efficient electrical installation must have, according to each need presented, the division of circuits and, according to the standard, they must be identified for the safety of whoever is going to do maintenance, tests, inspections and to avoid defects in the circuit. The QDC in the video has the following circuits: 1 – Lighting – 1X10A – 1.5mm² 2 – General purpose sockets (TUG) – 1X20A – 2.5mm² 3 – General purpose sockets (TUG) – 1X20A – 2.5mm² 4 – General purpose sockets (TUG) – 1X20A – 2.5mm² 5 – General purpose sockets (TUG) – 1X20A – 2.5mm² 6 – Social shower – 2X32A – 4mm² 7 – Air conditioning – 2x10A – 2.5mm² The space capacity in the panel: DR TETRAPOLAR – 4 SPACES DPS – 3 SPACES SINGLE-PHASE CIRCUIT BREAKER – 5 SPACES TWO-PHASE CIRCUIT BREAKER – 4 CIRCUIT SPACES RESERVES – 6 SPACES (AFTER ALL WE HAVE 7 CIRCUITS AND IT IS TWO-PHASE) TOTAL – 22 SWITCHES 2ND STAGE – CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY 1ST STEP - First, the QDC must be fixed. It can be recessed (bolted to the wall) or surface-mounted (screwed to the wall). In some cases, cleaning will be necessary to remove any remaining putty and plaster. It is advisable to use a light sledgehammer and chisel for this job. To finish, use a paint brush to remove excess dust. 2ND STEP - The next step is to fix the neutral and ground busbars to the sides of the QDC. Then, start organizing the cables (at this point, the cables should already be routed). Separate the grounding, neutral and phase conductors. If possible, use clamps to join them, leaving the cables ready to be cut and connected to their respective busbars. STEP 3 - Start crimping the tubular terminals on the blue cables for neutral and connect them to the busbar. Be careful not to use thicker terminals on thinner cables. The terminal must have the same cross-section as the conductor. Do this with all the neutral cables and repeat the process for the green cables for grounding. Remember that we will have another busbar for grounding. STEP 4 - After the Neutral (blue) and Ground (green) cables are connected to their respective busbars, we will start assembling the circuit breakers in the QDC. Fixing the DIN circuit breakers is very simple. First, place the upper part on the rail and tighten the lower part where the lock is. To remove the circuit breaker, simply release the lock with a screwdriver. In our example, we must place the DPS next to the General Circuit Breaker and the DR in parallel. 5th STEP - Next, you must connect the power cables of the circuit breakers to the DR outputs and take them to the two-phase busbar that joins the circuit breakers. After this step, we begin to crimp the tubular terminals on the phase cables of the circuits and connect them to their circuit breakers. 6th STEP - To give a final finish to the conductors, always remember to use Rapstrap clamps to join them. After the final check, screw the cover, identify the circuits and stick the safety warning on the inside of the cover. This way, you have followed the assembly of the two-phase QDC in a simple and objective way.