How to adjust ready-made trouser patterns - I answer your questions It is convenient to sew using ready-made patterns! Technologists and designers have thought out the model, prepared a pattern for an average figure, take it and use it! It's great if our parameters match the designers' idea. But what if not? We need to check this pattern. We measure the patterns and adjust them to our parameters in a series of videos: • Adjusting ready-made patterns This video is a continuation of a series of videos on how to adjust ready-made patterns so that they fit your figure and meet your expectations. Let's talk about trousers - I will answer your questions about the width of trousers, about how to measure the seat line. I share my experience, I am waiting for your questions. I am waiting for you in the comments! VK page: https://vk.com/id63143797 Instagram: / tatjana0schadrina Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/tatjana0shadrina For cooperation issues, write to [email protected] Rutube: https://rutube.ru/channel/23518923/ #howtosewpants #sewmyself #correctpatterns #pantspattern