In today's video I will teach you how to adjust the green semi-industrial Chinese Overlock. With this tip you can leave your semi-industrial Chinese Overlock with the perfect stitch, a quality finish. Just follow the instructions in the video to make your adjustment in the best way with quality. #Howtoadjustachinesinhaoverlock #Semi-industrialChineseOverlock #Overlockskippingstitch #ChineseOverlocknotsewing #semi-industrialoverlock #Overlockmachinevsewingmachine #Howtoadjustagreenchinesinhaoverlock #semi-industrialoverlockwithlargemotor #sewingtutorial #sewingforbeginners #Howtofixchinesinhaoverlocksewingprojects #sewingmachine #sewingtips #sewingtipsandtricks #sewinghacks ✅️HOW TO ADJUST A SEWING MACHINE. • HOW TO ADJUST A SEWING MACHINE IN THE T...