Did you know that you can access INCRA's georeferenced dataset through QGIS? You can even download the data. In this lesson, I explain how you can work with data in WMS (Web Map Service) and WFS (Web Feature Service) formats in QGIS. The links below will help you with the activities shown in the video. Join our Channel and receive more content about Geotechnologies: https://bit.ly/CanalTransmissao http://acervofundiario.incra.gov.br/i... http://acervofundiario.incra.gov.br/i... http://acervofundiario.incra.gov.br/i... http://acervofundiario.incra.gov.br/i... http://acervofundiario.incra.gov.br/i... http://acervofundiario.incra.gov.br/i... http://acervofundiario.incra.gov.br/i... #ALLcomGEO #QGIS #INCRA #WFS #WMS