How the Royale magazine plays into the hands of the Nazis... _ 00:00 Introduction 07:28 False facts & errors 21:23 Framing 30:58 Double standards 41:54 Division 51:03 Proposed solution SOURCES YouTube, ZDF MAGAZIN ROYALE: 02.02.17, • Make up your mind! with Kollegah NEO M... 02.12.22, • Anyone in Germany who speaks out against trans people... 02.06.23, • With freedom to ruin Z... 03/26/21, • Right-wing extremism in the East: This is how it... 09/22/23, • Advertising on your own behalf (for German... 09/01/23, • Right-wing extremist fans and child labor: ... 09/03/21, • How politics, PR and Nazis are controlling the... 04/18/19, • The Telelupe: Wikipedia Neo Magazin... 11/24/23, • Canceling with lawsuits: Attack on the P... 04/22/22, • Clemens Tönnies - The chief butcher... 11/03/23, • Image campaigns in the animal kingdom ZDF Ma... 01/26/24, • Tank & Rast: Quasi-monopoly without competition... Spotify, Fest & Flauschig: 05/03/20, https://open.spotify.com/episode/2Ogz... 03.07.16, https://open.spotify.com/episode/0gXY... ZDF MAGAZIN ROYALE, Mediathek, 02.02.24, https://www.zdf.de/comedy/zdf-magazin... ZDF NEO, Schulz & Böhmermann, Season 1 Episode 2, 17.01.16, about: • Schulz & Böhmermann - Season 1 Episo... Serdar Somuncu, The Hate Preacher Hardcore live, September 2010 re:publica, 03.05.18 ZDF Mediathek, accessed 04.02.24, https://www.zdf.de/comedy/zdf-magazin... YouTube, ZDF MAGAZIN ROYALE, accessed 04.02.24, / @zdfmagazinroyale Wikipedia, Jan Böhmermann, 14.02.18, about: https://web.archive.org/web/201802140... Wikipedia, Jan Böhmermann - version history, accessed 04.02.24, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?... Twitter, @ClaireAinsworth, 21.07.2017, https://twitter.com/ClaireAinsworth/s... Tagesspiegel, 31.93.16, https://www.tagesspiegel.de/wissen/es... ZDF, Fernsehrat, accessed 05.02.24, https://www.zdf.de/zdfunternehmen/zdf... Spiegel, 09.12.23, https://www.spiegel.de/kultur/tv/jan-... Schwulissimo, Till Randolf Amelung, 07.12.22, https://www.schwulissimo.de/neuigkeit... YouTube, PersiaX, 11.12.22, • Jan Böhmermann spreads LIES and H... Spouse splitting calculator, abbreviated 05.02.24, https://ehegattensplitting.info/#C_Eh... ETL Rechtsanwälte, accessed 05.02.24, https://www.etl-rechtsanwaelte.de/sti... https://www.etl-rechtsanwaelte.de/sti... https://www.etl-rechtsanwaelte.de/sti... Your pension provision, DPA, 23.12.19, https://www.ihre-vorsorge.de/soziales... Guide to inheritance law, abbreviated. 05.02.24, https://www.raklinger.de/testament/ha... FAZ, 03.05.22, https://www.faz.net/aktuell/gesellsch... Hiphop.de, 29.12.15, https://hiphop.de/magazin/news/anwael... LTO, 16.01.24, https://www.lto.de/recht/hintergruend... RND, 12.05.23, https://www.rnd.de/medien/jan-boehmer... YouTube, Jung & Naiv, 25.04.2023, https://www.youtube.com/live/dIAzCW0n... YouTube, eXXpressTV, 09.04.21, • The Ibiza video Living room conversation ... Romy Awards, April 11, 2019 - Excerpt from the ORF documentary Ibizagate from Wednesday, May 22, 2019 - about: • Böhmermann: Coked up in a Russian... Press Code, Paragraph 5, revised February 5, 2024, https://www.presserat.de/pressekodex.... Researchgate, S. Mammadov, August 2020, https://www.researchgate.net/publicat... Reddit, revised February 1, 2024, / eure_meinung_zu_jan_b%c3%b6hmermann OTHER/INSPIRATION Correctiv, revised. 05.02.24, https://correctiv.org/in-eigener-sach... LTO, 27.11.23, https://www.lto.de/recht/hintergruend... SinansWoche, 12.05.23, • From troll to moral preacher The Ent... imp, 13.12.23, • The destruction of Jan Böhmermann _ MY TWITCH: / aliciajoe INSTA: / aliciagermany SECOND CHANNEL: / @genuginternet