A Holistic Approach to Women's Health with Op. Dr. Ayşe Duman Before explaining genital area cleaning, let's start by defining hygiene. Hygiene is not actually a germ-free environment as we think and imagine, on the contrary, we need to think of it as hygiene, protecting what exists, protecting health, protecting the natural state by staying away from harmful substances and harmful products. Therefore, our priority in genital area hygiene should be to protect the natural state of that area. In other words, especially in order to be clean, constantly shaving the hair, destroying the hair from the root with laser epilation, constantly washing, even constantly washing the genital area with certain cleaning products, and even doing vaginal douches will cause the area to get dirty. For this reason, it is important to act in a way that will not disrupt the genital area's own natural defense system. For this reason, we can protect the natural defense system by taking certain precautions such as cleaning only with water, not constantly removing the hair, and not destroying the hair roots (laser epilation). Vaginal douches in particular damage the vaginal flora because the vagina is already a self-cleaning organ. Daily pads, menstrual pads should definitely not contain chemicals, drinking plenty of water, not eating excessive carbohydrates, paying attention to the health of the intestinal flora, staying away from smoking, staying away from tights, pants and tight clothes made of synthetic fabrics are some of the precautions you can take. Stay With Love You can also follow on Instagram! / You can visit the drayseduman Website and get information about trainings. https://www.ayseduman.com/ For your birth comfort, you can visit https://www.hubladesign.com/ Phone: 0541 857 8594 / 0216 344 13 99 #OpDrAyseDuman #RediscoveringWomanhood All of the above is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.