Trucks – understandable. But what kind? And here an interesting thing comes to light. From 1950, when the production of the GAZ-MM “one and a half ton” truck was discontinued, and until 1958, when Ulyanovsk mastered the production of the UAZ-450D, designed to carry 800 kg, the smallest truck was the GAZ-51 with a load capacity of 2.5 tons! That is, if you need to transport several boxes from the base to the kiosk – take the GAZ-51 (fuel consumption 20–25 liters per 100 km). A van based on the Moskvich-400 was also produced, but its production was so meager that it can be ignored. Meanwhile, there were a great many small-caliber carriers all over the world: pickups, vans, motorcycle trucks. The latter were especially popular in Southern Europe and Japan. But in our country, the production of such equipment was not encouraged. The Soviet authorities were distinguished by a downright zoological hatred of small business. And they were afraid that small trucks would become a breeding ground for it. Our clothing store: https://avtobaza.myprintbar.ru/ Support the Author: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/avto... If you have any questions about authorship or any other, you can write to the email address below For suggestions and questions [email protected] vk group https://vk.com/avtomotolaboratoriya tg https://t.me/automotolab #motor scooter #motorcycle #ant