*Support the podcast Ľudskosť in the Toldo application at http://sme.sk/extraludskost and in the Podcast of the Year 2024 competition at http://podcastroka.sk. (00:00) Introduction (02:04) How she felt as a child (08:53) About eating disorders (17:29) About photos and filters (28:51) Doctors' attitudes (44:00) How she is perceived today (48:30) Conclusion People with a large body are a constant target of cruelty. On a daily basis, they experience various more or less obvious signals from those around them that something is wrong with them. This is due to deeply ingrained beliefs that fatness is related to a person's character or intellect. Denisa Debrecká is a psychologist, she mainly focuses on the topic of anxiety and also publishes her professional knowledge on Instagram. She recently published a post titled Fat Child Trauma, in which she discusses her own childhood experience. https://www.instagram.com/p/C5vCGfVLq... "I remember Harry Potter, for example, where the good characters are thin and the bad ones are overweight," Denisa says in the podcast. "They were shown as lazy and immoral - and that's how I perceived it at the time, that it made me lazy, inadequate and evil." Insinuations and unsolicited advice directed at fat people are considered normal in society, and many people defend them by claiming concern for their health. Even children hear hurtful remarks - not only from peers, but also from parents, teachers and doctors. Denisa explains the consequences of such traumatization and how they tend to drag people into adulthood. They also discuss how anti-fat attitudes push people out of relationships, from job opportunities and from pop culture. "When I asked people on Instagram what kind of psychologist they wouldn't go to, a lot of them wrote that they would go to a fat psychologist," says Denisa. Mentioned in the podcast: What We Don't Talk About When We Talk About Fat (Aubrey Gordon) "You Just Need to Lose Weight": And 19 Other Myths About Fat People (Aubrey Gordon) The host recommended: Feel Good (David D. Burns) Barbora Mareková's Newsletter: It is published once every two weeks and you can receive it by email, sign up to subscribe here. https://profil.sme.sk/e-maily?subscri... The latest issue of the newsletter: Markíza is a private company, but journalism is not private. https://komentare.sme.sk/c/23339195/m... – If you have feedback, a link or an idea for us, write to us at [email protected] The Humanity podcast can also be found every Thursday on: SME application: http://onelink.to/j4vrzy Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2vxNbh9... Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sk/podcast... RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/56de9814/podcast/rss You can support the creation of podcasts by purchasing a digital subscription to SME.sk at https://www.sme.sk/predplatne #ludskost #denniksme #tucnota #fat