There are many ideas and theories about muscle growth. However, AğırSalim puts the point first. How do muscles grow, how do they get stronger, how do they develop? You can find all the mechanisms and practical advice you need to know about hypertrophy in this video. How is motor unit activation achieved? How does muscle damage, metabolic stress, pump, and lifted weights affect? What are the differences between sarcoplasmic and myofibrular hypertrophy? How should training loads be adjusted? Studies: https://www.researchgate.net/publicat... / does-muscle-damage-cause-hypertrophy / does-metabolic-stress-cause-muscle-growth / what-is-muscle-growth-and-how-does-it-happen https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7199447/ https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.co... GET COACHING FROM AĞIRSAĞLAM: https://www.agirsaglam.com/kocluk AĞIRSAĞLAM PROGRAMS: 5x5, 3x5 and more free programs: https://www.agirsaglam.com/fitness-an... Affordable ready-made programs for your goals: https://www.agirsaglam.com/urun-kateg... AĞIRSAĞLAM STORE: Clothing: https://www.agirsaglam.com/urun-kateg... Equipment: https://www.agirsaglam.com/urun-kateg... Accessories: https://www.agirsaglam.com/urun-kateg... TOP 5 SUPPLEMENT: https://www.agirsaglam.com/supplement/ Follow AĞIRSAĞLAM on Social Media! WEBSITE: https://www.agirsaglam.com INSTAGRAM: https://www.agirsaglam.com/instagram AĞIRSAĞLAM's purpose: to present quality content, free of superstition, so that people can be healthy, aesthetic and athletic. We are open to all forms of sharing. 00:00 How Does Muscle Grow? 01:02 Episode #1: Which Part of the Muscle Develops? 03:32 Episode #2.0: Why and How Does Muscle Growth Happen? 05:34 Section #2.1: Muscle Activation 07:25 Section #2.2: Central Exhaustion 08:52 Section #2.3: Muscle Damage 09:56 Section #3.0: Mechanical Tension 11:50 Section #3.1: Force-Speed Relationship 12:31 Section #3.2: Length-Tension Relationship 14:39 Section #4: Protein Synthesis 17:21 Section #5: How Quickly Can I Build Muscle? 19:11 DBY #1: Muscle Damage Doesn’t Build Muscle 22:09 DBY #2: Pump Doesn’t Build Muscle 23:33 DBY #3: Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy 25:42 DBY #4: Progressive Overload 26:51 Practical Tips #1: Exercise Selection 28:07 Practical Tips #2: How Many Sets Should I Do? 30:01 Practical Tips #3: How Many Reps Should I Do? 30:42 Practical Tips #4: Rest Between Sets 32:09 Practical Tips #5: Tempo