There is a climate problem. To solve it, some are relying on innovation, the ecological turnaround and green growth. Others believe that growth has had its day. If this planet is not to collapse, we must think about post-growth economics and learn to do business in a completely new way. In capitalism, companies have to make a profit in order to survive. Competition forces them to constantly improve their performance. At the same time, growth depends on consuming more and more. The advertising industry creates artificial needs, and the world's resources are becoming scarcer. The post-growth economy therefore calls for a radical change of system and an economy freed from the pressure to grow, which protects planet Earth and is at the same time social, fair and sustainable. How much growth can the Earth tolerate? Does it need a radical change of system? And does everyone need to give up completely? And at what price? Yves Bossart will be discussing at the Philosophical Stammtisch with the post-growth economist Niko Paech, the philosophers Katja Gentinetta and Simone Rosa Miller and the economist Reiner Eichenberger. Other guests on the show are: Alexandra Gavilano, environmental scientist, climate activist and member of Extinction Rebellion and Matthias P. Müller, lawyer and economist, vice president of the Young Liberals of Switzerland. Sternstunde Philosophie from November 24th, 2019 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More culture on YouTube ???? https://www.youtube.com/srfkultur?sub... More culture on Facebook ???? / srfkultur More culture on Twitter ???? / srfkultur More culture on srf.ch ???? https://www.srf.ch/kultur ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The "Sternstunde Philosophie" cultivates the in-depth and critical exchange of ideas and gets to the bottom of the burning questions of our time. The "Sternstunde Philosophie" draws a broad arc from socio-political topicality to the fundamental questions of philosophy: Who is responsible for what, what does human freedom consist of, what determines the meaning of our life? Guests include personalities from science, culture, politics and business - voices that stimulate thought and reflect on and classify our current events. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Media Netiquette from SRF: ► https://www.srf.ch/social-netiquette #SRFCulture #SRFSternstunde #Philosophy #SRF #philosophicalregularstable #economicgrowth #growth #climateproblem #climatecrisis #ecologicalturnaround #greengrowth #postgrowtheconomy #systemchange #growthpressure #southbasel