In the outgoing 2020, we realized that human life is priceless for the person himself and his relatives. And how much is it worth to society and the state? From this episode, you will learn how much they gave for the soul of a serf, and what slaves still exist, how many taxes we actually pay in Russia, what invention turned out to be more valuable than human life, and whose life is worth the most. 2020 is leaving, but we remain: wait for two more episodes before the end of the year. ↓↓↓ FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE ISSUE, LOOK HERE: TELEGRAM ► https://t.me/toplesofficial VK GROUP ► https://vk.com/toples_show I'M ON VK ► https://vk.com/yanlapotkov ↓↓↓ Watch more videos: SPACE ► https://goo.gl/uCkfD3 TECHNOLOGY ► https://goo.gl/vLdH2H GAMES ► https://goo.gl/17LhoN RIDDLES ► https://goo.gl/ZUgWGD FEAR ► https://goo.gl/b6fu5K CULTURE ► https://goo.gl/jn93tz VERY INTERESTING ► https://goo.gl/Prcrtj Advertising, cooperation: [email protected] #TOPLESS #YANTOPLES #YANLAPOTKOV #TOPLES SOURCES: https://bit.ly/toples_value_of_life The following people worked on the issue: Yan Lapotkov Vadim Kulikov Alexander Shcherbak Andrey Aleksin Andrey Savelyev Pavel Zhdanov Alexander Repetsky Katya Adaricheva Opsi Level God