How much does a road trip from Assú in Rio Grande do Norte to São Luís in Maranhão cost? And are the roads in good condition? What destinations can I enjoy by taking this route? You will find all the answers in this video. Canoa Quebrada, Fortaleza, Jericoacoara, Delta do Parnaíba, Lençóis Maranheses, are some of the destinations you will have access to by taking this route. Contact the Blue House in Luis Correia in Piauí ???????? (86) 98162-1217 https://instagram.com/casaazuldopiaui... Säo João de Campina Grande-PB • SAINT JOHN'S CELEBRATION HAS STARTED IN CAMPINA GRANDE... Säo João de Caruaru-PE • BUCHADA PASTLE AND SAINT JOHN'S CELEBRATION IN CARUARU... Säo João de Mossoró-RN • SAINT JOHN'S CELEBRATION IN MOSSORÓ-RN WITH A BULLET RAIN Säo João de Assú-RN • THE OLDEST SAINT JOHN'S CELEBRATION IN THE WORLD, IS IN THE R... Follow Me in the Northeast on social media so you don't miss the next videos ???? #eunonordeste #travel