In the film I will show the selection of sample devices and elements for the construction of a photovoltaic installation. You will learn why companies and representatives/advisors for photovoltaics are so pushy - it is not about anything other than big money! The devices are selected at random, I chose the first product that came to mind to show how much the price will differ. I am sure that with a little effort you will find the same product much cheaper. I also did not check the inverter/panel parameters in detail - it may turn out, for example, that the panel voltage may go beyond the inverter's adjustment range. The selection of protection (especially surge arresters) should also be individual. [email protected] FB majsterkowicz: https://fb.me/majsterkowicz111 FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/50763... MC4 press: https://ali.ski/edMwT6 MC4 connectors: https://ali.ski/y7UJF DC fuse: https://ali.ski/TfGLTo