Join us, see the support and the pilgrim SOS during your Camino. https://www.amigosdocaminhodesantiago... Are you getting ready? Check this out, I'll explain everything you need to know, so you can have peace of mind and not get lost in anything! https://tinyurl.com/CaminhoSeguro Within the mentoring, we also have a study of stages with hours of technical classes, from Saint Jean through the Pyrenees, in the almost 800 km to Santiago de Compostela. Some of the topics covered: How to calculate the total costs of the trip? How much do they cost and what types of accommodation are there? How to save R$1,000 on travel insurance How much does food cost? How to calculate the total costs of the trip? How to take money and how much to take? Discovering the value of the 550 hostels on the Camino. Recommendations for hostels that no one tells you about. Where to find cheap and safe tickets for the Camino? How to book accommodation? What are the important accommodations? What are the critical dates that should be avoided? Hunting and backpacking can cost R$700 or R$6,000. Which one to choose? Learn about important detours and forks. Which documents to bring, which are mandatory and recommended? Which equipment to bring and which not to bring? How to avoid falling into the hands of opportunistic sellers? How to calculate the number of days of travel (total, trails, displacement)? Which are the base cities to travel in Spain? What are the best and worst times? Tips for hidden places on the trails and cities and towns. What are the best and worst times? What medications to bring? Complete study of ALL stages. Access to the digital Checklist. How to use the bathrooms, are they clean and available? How safe is it to go alone? How to get internet there? Access to the network of Brazilians on the Camino, which is an extra security. SOS Pilgrim on the Way #caminodesantiago #santiagodecompostela #frenchway #caminodesantiago #documentary #film #galicia #navarra #roncesvalles #pilgrim #finisterre #apostol #hostels #backpacking #history #porto #portugueseway #treking #caminodesantiago #caminofrances #saintjeanpieddeport #sarria #lisbon #spain #prices #costs #values #expenses #madrid #ironcross #foncebadón #stages #caminodesantiago #paths # #paulocoelho #Cathedral #caminodafe #wayoffaith #hostels #caminodafe #airtickets #paulocoelho