Meet Annie (58), a woman from Rio Grande do Sul who left Chapadinha, Maranhão, with her family to try her luck in the USA. She has no academic background and her husband has a degree in Agronomy and worked in agriculture. They first arrived in the USA in October 1998, returned to Brazil, then made a second attempt to live in the USA, which didn't work out, and they returned to the USA for good in 2015. Since they arrived in the USA, she and her husband have always worked in cleaning, including their oldest son. Today, the family owns a cleaning company in Orlando, with approximately 60 employees. Contacts: Instagram: / aneliseschadeck Instagram: / anniecleaningservices ≡≡≡≡≡≡ Sponsoring companies that you will certainly need in the USA https://canalperguntas.com/patrocinad... Paulo Paternes / Canal Perguntas Orlando, Florida, USA Copyright © All rights reserved. #amigosnoseua #vidanoseua #podcast