Saving money is a basic financial practice that is very important and useful for people at all levels. Many people try to find a form of saving that gives the highest return. Or on the contrary, many people may see that from the amount of money they have, they can hardly see the return on their savings. Therefore, they choose not to give importance to saving. Today, the program "Setthakit Tid Ban" will tell you the technique of how many years it will take to win a million with a deposit of a thousand baht? To be a savings goal for everyone in the year 68 with Dr. Wit Sitthiwekin and Mr. Guide Rathsak Sakulwatcha-anan. Watch the "Setthakit Tid Ban" segment on the Wan Mai Variety program, Monday - Thursday, 8.00 - 10.00 a.m. on Thai PBS or watch online TV at www.thaipbs.or.th/Live ---------------------------------- 👉 Follow the news and good programs of #ThaiPBS at https://www.thaipbs.or.th and / thaipbs