Resistors are one of the most widely used electronic components and you should learn them as the first electronic component. We have dependent resistors which, because they are inductive and dependent, are therefore variable and their state depends on the item they are dependent on. Their dependencies are on factors such as heat TDR which depends on two types of NTC and PTC light LDR magnetic field MDR voltage VDR or the same varistor. Those pipe sensors and environmental sensors in refrigerators and air conditioners are all of this type of TDR, most of which are of the NTC type. Your likes and comments encourage us. You can watch more important and in-depth videos, tips, tricks and educational explanations about home appliance board repairs on our site. Our board repair experience course is available through this site. 0:00 Functions and types of resistors 3:35 Watts What is a resistor 04:30 Reading ohms of resistors 05:00 Calculating the color code of resistors 06:50 Reading and calculating ohms of SMD resistors 7:13 SMD fuses SMD jumpers 8:10 Calculating the letters r and k on SMD resistors 09:15 What should we replace a 1 watt resistor with? 10:50 Where is a 5-color resistor used? 11:20 Ohm test of resistor on board 14:10 SMD resistor test on board 14:40 Why does the resistor beep? Buzzer test 15:55 Third strip of silver and gold resistor 17:17 Reading SMD resistor 4 numbers written 18:30 What is a VDR varistor 19:43 What is an LDR photoresistor 20:06 What is an NTC and PTC thermistor 21:15 What is a MDR magnetic resistor 21:57 Variable resistor of a volume potentiometer 22:20 Variable resistor test of a volume potentiometer 26:07 What is a multiturn 26:23 Finding a burnt resistor 26:45 A burnt resistor causes the air conditioner compressor to shut down 27:15 Resistance classification ranges based on watts and ohms