How many outlets per circuit? Based on NBR-5410/04, in this video I provide a simple and objective approach to the limit of outlets that can be installed in a residential electrical circuit. Below is part of the NBR text that was used as a reference for the production of the video: Power attributable to outlet points The power to be attributed to each outlet point depends on the equipment that it may supply and must not be less than the following minimum values: a) in bathrooms, kitchens, pantries, pantries-kitchens, service areas, laundries and similar locations, at least 600 VA per outlet point, up to three points, and 100 VA per point for excess, considering each of these environments separately. When the total number of sockets in these environments exceeds six points, the power allocation criterion is at least 600 VA per socket point, up to two points, and 100 VA per point for excess, always considering each environment separately; b) in the other rooms or dependencies, at least 100 VA per socket point. =================================== Sign up here: / Elétricasem... . =================================== Follow us on Instagram: / Eletricasem... =================================== Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eletricasemm... =================================== #QuantasTomadasPorCircuito? #ElétricaSemMistério