In this class we analyze the different mentions of the Ark in the Hebrew Bible, differentiating between the Ark of God, the Ark of YHVH, the Ark of the Covenant, and the Ark of the Pact, demonstrating with textual and conceptual bases that these are artifacts dedicated to different deities. We explore archaeological evidence in Hazor, Jerusalem, and Jericho, focusing on the Matsebot, standing stones that in these contexts are related to ancient cults and that were used as tables inside the Ark. In addition, we examine the symbolism and meaning of the objects that according to tradition were found inside it: the Almond branch as a symbol of fertility, the Manna as a representation of food, and the Tablets of the Law as a representation of the contract between YHVH and his people. This approach allowed us to integrate the historical, archaeological, and theological aspects of the topic.